with Celina Guerrero, Founder - Thrive Sales Accelerator

Roller coaster revenue can be a sign that you don’t have the right marketing plan. Celina Guerrero is the founder of Thrive Sales Accelerator, a program designed for B2B sales with small service based business. She dives into the details of focused marketing, operationalizing strategies, and her holistic approach.
Notes from the Show
Celina Guerrero is the founder of Thrive Sales Accelerator. She specializes in assisting B2B sales for service-based small businesses. Her program takes a holistic approach to the sales pipeline's three key components: How to find leads? How to nurture leads? How to have sales conversations?
The Thrive Sales Accelerator is a 3-month program for small businesses to hone in and focus on those three key areas of sales. Every business is unique and what they need to work on is going to differ. Most of the businesses Celina works with are dealing with roller coaster revenue. They are stuck receiving sales through referrals, inconsistent and unreliable.
Celina talks about how to focus your marketing and operationalize a sales strategy. CEOs and business owners, especially those in small businesses, have to be involved in the process. If sales and marketing fails, it doesn’t matter how good you are, you’re not going to grow your business.
Quality over quantity is so important in marketing, so many businesses try to do it all and sometimes fall flat. One of the benefits of being a small business is the ability to drive marketing by playing to the owner’s strengths. Celina suggests big ideas such as guest speaking, ads for webinars, and social selling in addition to email lists and social media or blogging. It is so critical to pick a platform and be really focused.
When determining your marketing plan for your business, utilize what is special about your business. Celina used this great analogy: It's not about the bridge; anyone can build a bridge. But how do you deal with trolls along the way? How can you or your business uniquely help someone get from point A to point B?
What’s Inside:
Holistic approach to sales pipeline.
Solution to roller coaster revenue.
Operationalizing sales and marketing strategy.
How to focus your marketing.
What is thought leadership.
Transcribed by AI Susan Tatum 0:42
Hello, and welcome back to stop the noise. Today I'm talking with Celine Guerrero, who is the founder of Thrive sales accelerator. And this is going to be a great episode about how to get your marketing and sales efforts in order. So it leads you to a good pipeline. Welcome. Celina.
Celina Guerrero 0:55
Thank you, I'm so happy to be here. Thank you for the invitation.
Susan Tatum 0:58
Oh, it's very nice to be talking with you. Let's start off a little bit by just just talking about who you work with, and kind of what you do.
Celina Guerrero 1:07
Of course, I work with b2b service based businesses, and they're usually small businesses. I've worked in marketing and sales with a lot of different ways, sold a corporate and so on. I really love solo to small team, b2b service based business for a lot of reasons. But that's specifically who I work with.
Susan Tatum 1:27
All right. And so you have this thrive sales accelerator is actually a framework, would you say or program? Tell us a little bit about that?
Celina Guerrero 1:36
Sure. Of course, well, I spent most of my career working one on one with clients, right, both in marketing and sales. And because I have worked with both the marketing and the sales side, and I work with small businesses, I have a holistic approach to sales pipeline, right? So it's, it's not just sales conversations, right? It's not just lead gen, but it's kind of looking holistically at this app and the sales pipeline. So how do we find leads? How do we nurture those leads? And how do we have good sales conversations, and I created the thrive sales accelerator because after working one on one, consulting for so long, I realized that there was an opportunity to create a, it's a, it's a three month program to help service based businesses really kind of get their sales pipeline in order, right. So because I work with small businesses, I can look at it holistically. And the program really helps them get those three key areas in order. And you know, what they work on within the program depends on where they, you know, how they enter the program, and what their needs are.
Susan Tatum 2:49
So when we were talking previously, what I got from you is that you're really helping, you're helping your clients to operationalize a strategy, so and to come up with a strategy as well of what their marketing is going to be about what they're going to do. And then how that leads into a sales pipeline.
Celina Guerrero 3:08
Right? Well, I think some of the biggest problems I see right are that people don't have consistent revenue, right, as a service based business, they don't have consistent revenue. And sometimes that's because they've really been relying on referrals and word of mouth, which is great. But at some point, you know, I think I recognize that the referrals, as we know, are amazing because they convert at a really high rate, but they don't come as often right? Like they come when they come, right. And so if you're in a position, if you're a small business, and your position, where either you're not generating enough revenue, you have a roller coaster revenue, right? Like some days you're making a lot and some days, you're not, if you really are exhausted, because you're working so much, right, that you want to hire people, but you don't necessarily have a plan in place to that you can count on consistent revenue. Or another problem is, is that and this is really true for service based businesses, which is they're working so hard with their clients, they don't have time to market and sell. And so with those problems, I believe a lot of the solution can be creating a marketing and sales system if you will, like operationalizing that and making really simplifying what people should be doing, when they should be doing it and how they should be doing it. And then they can either do it themselves or they can hire for that system that they bake in bake into their business, right. It's really just not relying on what's coming and really taking an active you know, position on I'm going to really create a plan right a marketing and sales plan for my business so that I can thrive.
Susan Tatum 4:50
So you know, you were talking about most of these service based businesses starting or surviving off of or sometimes thriving off of referrals and word of mouth. And that kind of thing. And I've been finding some data that shows that most of us do start our businesses, consulting firms, or coaching or whatever service based business, we do start with some existence, some clients that we can have immediately. And then we work our own networks and somewhere in the three to five year range, that stops being consistent. And it can be because you're growing and you need more coming in, or you've worked through your network. And that's where, and I think even to a certain extent, the same thing happens with inbound. Because I think we didn't talk about this previously, I'm throwing this at you. But I think that there's been a lot of buzz around inbound and content marketing, and we've been led to believe that that's all you need to do. If you publish enough content, and the right kind of content, the leads are going to flow in. And that worked maybe, what, 10 years ago, eight, maybe even five years ago, but I'm not seeing it working that well now. And some, an agency consultant pointed this out to me that he said with his clients, the ones that actually have been able to use inbound exclusively to bring in enough leads to fill a pipeline, tend to be the less profitable because they're kind of taking what comes instead of saying, This is the companies these are the people that I want to work with, and go and and really focusing on those.
Celina Guerrero 6:27
So I kind of think about the, I think about like the simple sales pipeline, right? This sort of idea that you take action, and you're looking for a reaction, both in marketing and sales. So for example, right? Because I'll say, oh, where, you know, people will say, Oh, I don't have enough leads, and I'll say, Well, what are you doing? And they'll say, Well, I'm not doing anything, right. So fundamentally, it's about the action that we take, and the reaction that we're looking for. And so I'll quickly break that down for you. And this has to do with think about concentric circles. So when the action we take on on the inside would be our email, right? The people that have already opted in to talk to us, we're building relationships, those can also because it you know, that inner circles our network as well existing network, and then it's kind of a next circle outside, like if we're in the center, right, the next circle is what I call our followers, that could be our podcast followers, our blog followers, our social media followers, like we have there in our world, but we don't necessarily have direct access to them, right. And then I think the third circle outside is new audiences. And I think when you talk about this idea of referrals, right, and sort of inbound marketing and relying on that, when I think about referrals, which is that inner network, and when I think about inbound, which is that second circle, that followers piece, I'm really relying on other people to do the work for me. So in other words, somebody is going to have to refer or somebody is going to have to share my piece of content with their network so that I expand my visibility into new audiences, right? It's not that that's not active, right it is taking action but it's still relying a little bit on other people sharing that content right if I'm on LinkedIn and I'm sharing a piece of content, you know, only a certain portion is going to get to that next level so I believe that it's critical when you're setting up your sales pipeline to not only have that inner circle of the email that middle circle of the followers right around your videos or your blogs and your content on social media. But you've got to reach to the third ring which is the new audiences which is in my mind guest content right I'm speaking on this podcast and people new audiences will hear my voice adds adds to webinars something like that right? or outbound social selling outbound selling right and so I think that it's interesting what your your you know, your friend your colleague was telling you because I do think that what's absolutely critical is that we have a balance between all three of those we need to nurture and nurture referrals and try to you know, reactivate referrals that's the thing, right? And we need to nurture those relationships as they kind of come closer to us and learn more about us. But I do think that a lot of companies lack that third ring, which is where I why I feel like that's kind of like where I really love like I really want to help people with that outer ring. Because that's the piece they're missing often they feel like they're doing all the work like I'm sharing on social media all the time right but because it's not really expanding they're not bringing in those new leads right
Susan Tatum 9:34
yeah that's a really that's I drew a little thing here a target while you're doing that's a very good way of looking at it although you know my focus is on the outbound part of it but the marketing part aspect to it is so critical and having that having your your left, kind of say this having your email list, having your having the followers just having the foundation that you know, a decent website a brand you know, I mean, I love that has such an effect on the success of any kind of outbound program that it does all have to be holistic as you said, it's got to be and you know, it's also a lot easier with solos and, and smaller companies, even though they may not have the budgets and they may not have the resources, they're also not siloed like, the bigger firms are where you've got sales, and you've got marketing, and they don't often talk and I know you know, that's that's a big topic, the integration of sales and marketing but I personally have been talking about this since 1996. So it's getting better but it's still an issue and so these, the smaller companies don't have to deal with that because they've got it right there. And that's a real advantage.
Celina Guerrero 10:47
I agree. I agree. And because to your point, it all has to work together It really does. Right? It's like I go out and I sell but like I don't have any thought leadership I show no authority I show No, no, you know, it's become it's really fascinating. It's kind of my obsession, right? Like you kind of have to have all three pieces and that is why I work with small businesses right? Because the minute I go to larger companies it gets fractured. And I think that's a different solution right to sort of create that marketing sales alignment and that's going to just that's going to be different solution. Yeah.
Susan Tatum 11:17
Definitely. What so this is called stop the noise. And rising above or getting through that that noise that's in the marketplace is so I mean, that's sort of challenge number one isn't that and it gets harder and harder to do almost daily it seems like and so you and I talked about this before that one of the that stopping the noise and getting through the noise can really benefit from having a structured program and one in which your focus because you talked about there's so many options for marketing these days. And how do you know which ones and so many people try to do at all? Yeah, so how do you advise business owners and experts to focus their marketing?
Celina Guerrero 12:03
Sure. Well, I think especially if it's a small business you have a little bit of opportunity to select the type of marketing based on the strength of the owner right I mean, I think that like if you're I think a lot of the sort of the first phases of businesses like you know people will create you know, social media marketing and maybe they're doing webinars, right and so the they have a capacity limit, right? That's a really big purpose and so the shift that i think i mean this is I'm not this is not a blanket recommendation, but I think the shifts that often kind of needs to happen is that that lead that CEO that founder starts moving more into thought leadership right? And the sort of tactical application of the content gets done you know by somebody else right kind of fills that gap and I think that for just as one example I have this you know, sort of five ways to generate leads Okay, and so one of them is create a be a guest speaker right like getting into new audiences well if you love speaking right, you know go do that right um, if you you know, if you love writing you know, go do that right I mean, I think that there's some some levers there. I think that what is the other ones right? So I think with social selling for example, like if you really Love building relationships and having conversations, right? Go do that. I think that doesn't apply for larger businesses. But I do think that at some level, you know, the CEO, or founder of a small company, they were what I call the revenue crown, right? At the end of the day, their responsibility is to bring in that revenue. And so I believe that they should be involved in some way in the marketing and sales, and that can be in a way that is all supported on the admin side, but that really elevates their messaging. Now, other companies may not agree with that philosophy. But that's tends to be the kind of thing that I really think is critical, especially as a differentiator right in the marketplace. So I am not sure I've answered your question. But I think that, you know, I think it's really about making sure that we're doing the email marketing, making sure that we've got either social media or some sort of blogging, some sort of episodic content going on, and making sure that we're choosing one of the three guest speaking ads to webinar or social selling to reach that other audience. And it's, you know, if you're a company that's maybe doing all of those successfully, and maybe you want to increase the volume in the maybe we need to add one thing here, right, but we, we need to make sure that whatever that looks like is, you have the team, you have the infrastructure, and then you have the team to support that, and that you're doing things, especially if the founder owner is is involved, that it really resonates with that it really, you know, it's something that they enjoy doing. Right. And I think there's just so many options, I don't I don't think there's any, you know, I think there's a lot of options there.
Susan Tatum 14:52
I you know, I think it's just so critical, as you're saying, to pick a few things and be really focused and you know, and I'll use social media as an example and, and my work is all with business to business relation based selling. You don't need to be anywhere in Linkedin in the beginning, or you may be Twitter but I know some people say that they drive traffic with Facebook and Instagram and but the bulk of it is going to come from, for the most part LinkedIn. Now I have had clients that are business to business, that their clientele is just not on LinkedIn, Food Services is an example. Pharmaceutical laboratory stuff is an example you know, but but for the most part, I think it's just to your point, pick the ones you're good at, pick the ones you like, pick the places your audience is going to be, and the kind of content that they want to consume. And do that right and then you can move on
Celina Guerrero 15:45
Absolutely I mean, if you take LinkedIn, and you take Instagram, for example, those are very different animals, right? I mean, LinkedIn is like, really a one to one relationship. And it's not that Instagram can't be but the type of engagement that you need. And people, people want on Instagram, a very personal, in my opinion, a very personal understanding of who you are, right? And what you offer. And and it has to, you know, tends to feel good, and it tends to be motivational, and it has to be inspirational. But if you're working with CEOs in a b2b, you know, environment, they're not necessarily on Instagram to the firt in the first place, and they're not necessarily going to want to engage in that way. Like they don't need to know what you ate for breakfast. I do think there is b2b stuff going on on Instagram a 100%. But I think that it definitely lends itself more to the b2c kind of environment, right? So like, you know, and realistically sharing content on Instagram and LinkedIn, that whole action reaction, like, it's not just about putting information out there, but now you've got to engage. So now you're like, double engaging in totally different ways, but kind of, I really think you're communicating differently. So it's just all that is a lot, right? And so if you're big enough, maybe you need to, maybe you want to start moving into another platform, but you the owner aren't going to be necessarily on Instagram doing that. Right. So it's it is about starting with, you know, very, very small, very quality over quantity, right, in one specific platform, especially on social media. And growing later if that's, you know, if that's something that is either really at that place, right, yeah. Otherwise, that's spinning your wheels.
Susan Tatum 19:21
Your point about that the CEO, especially an expert, if you're selling expertise, yeah, the CEO would who's usually the founder or whatever. They that thought leadership role is so important. Even if they're, even if they're, especially if they're, if they're at the point where they're adding sales support in their organization or from the outside but they're not doing all of the selling or at least the first part of the funnel in the selling to have them in a thought leadership position, creating that kind of content is probably the best thing that they can do for the sales effort. But how do you define thought leadership?
Celina Guerrero 18:05
Interesting, you know, I did an interview recently, with a wonderful expert on thought leadership, her name is Claire Mason. And she kind of opened my eyes to it. And I guess one of the things that she said is, is that it's not about whether it's a blog, or whether it's a video, or whether it's a white paper, it's really about putting your point of view on something. And I will say, I will add to that. And maybe this is a little bit more on the actual services that you provide. But I think that, as you were saying earlier, like there's so many people that probably do what you do, right, like there's so much competition out there, how you said, How do you differentiate. And so my approach really or something that I really try to emphasize with my clients is that it's not just about the service right from getting helping them get from point A to point B. what it's really about is building that bridge from point A to point B that overcomes the challenges that exist getting from point A to point B. So this is I hate this example. It's the same example everybody uses right but like I want to lose weight Okay, I know that I need to exercise and eat less I mean, I could do that i'm i'm here on one side of the bridge, I know what to do I just like why is it so hard? And so I believe so firmly that when we talk about services, it's really not about the bridge, anyone can build a bridge Frankly, I can build a bridge for myself I plan for myself, I actually kind of even know what to do but it's really about that about the trolls like how do we actually deal with the trolls because that's the real differentiator and so when I think about thought leadership i do i do think about that. I think about how do you uniquely help somebody you know go from point A to point B that it for me is thought leadership because otherwise it's it's a commoditized message.
Susan Tatum 20:02
Where do you start with clients?
Celina Guerrero 20:05
well because I working holistically I mean maybe getting from the small business point of view although this would be true you know, even if I was helping people with sales in a large company but I really do start with well let's I really start with that sort of like where they're starting where they're ending and the bridge and the trials let me let me let me learn so to be a little specific about that which is we start with these content clusters that really are really start with helping them through this little process little story called the goat, the grass, the bridge and the troll the trolls in the bridge Okay, and so if you know the three Billy Goats Gruff, this might sound familiar, right, but the goat is your client as the you know, in their current situation, which is they're like, they're hungry. And you know, it's it's lonely on one side of the bridge. And then over on the, on the other side of the bridge, they see this beautiful grassy hill and it's there's food, and it's sunny, and their friends are there and they really want to go there. And so just like your client, they can vision it like they can see it, they can taste it, they can articulate what you know what kind of situation they really want to be in, right? And so the the exercise, right, the processes didn't really get clear about what is the current state of your client, right? What is this goat situation, what is the grassy field look like for your client, right? And then before we get to the bridge, right to the service to the solution, we talk about the trolls. So what exactly is keeping your client from doing that on their own? Right, what keeps them from being able to achieve it by themselves. And when we get clear about that, that's when we talk that's when I help my clients understand that Their service isn't just about I do this, I do that I do that. It's about I design a service that really helps overcome these trolls. Now how, why is it so important because as you move into marketing, you're addressing the trolls, you're not just saying, oh, here's a blanket solution. And when you have sales conversations, you're already ready to understand those objections. And so by starting with these four characters in the story, and we have these clusters, then we kind of filter that down into marketing, and in turn, and also into the sales conversation, so it feels aligned, and that we're not just, you know, and this is all part of the system, right? Like, the whole concept is to simplify this so that when you're sitting there and you're like, oh, my goodness, I have to do another email, what should I write about, you can go back to your like, you know, there's like 18 topics that come out of these four clusters. It's like, Oh, I just go back in there remind myself and especially, especially if you've hired a marketing coordinator, or marketing assistant, and you can't hire some, you know, really expensive person, you can say, look, okay, here's, here's what I need, you know, we need a topic. And I don't know who's gonna write that, but but it gives your team also a foundation for working right, as collectively, you create your marketing and sales content.
Susan Tatum 23:02
It's gonna save a lot of time, too, because you don't have to have those discussions about well, who What would she talk about? And what would you write about? And? Because it's
Celina Guerrero 23:09
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, so many times, I'm like, Okay, what should I write about? Well, you know, if I have just like a content library, I can go back to that. Right. And I think also, we don't necessarily, we need that messaging to be really on point. And I think, you know, I feel like the messaging. You know, sometimes people feel like they always have to come, suffer from this a little bit, like always feeling like I have to come up with something new or creative or different. It's like, No, you basically need to say the same five things again, and again and again. Right. And so I think it helps build that systematize that know that really clear messaging.
Susan Tatum 23:44
I think I just to reiterate a point that you made, because I see a lot of service based businesses. Well, you know, I guess it's true of everybody. We want to talk about our service, we want to talk about our products, we want to talk about what we do. And we know the data shows us that at any point in time, less than 15% of your market is going to want to talk about that they're there, you're just too far ahead of them. And I think that certainly that's where marketing really does its job is with that education, but I think even when it gets to sales, I see it all the time that goes too fast, just straight into, like you said, design processes is what we do. And they haven't made them feel like I can get you from where you are to where you want to be.
Celina Guerrero 24:24
Yeah, I mean, you know, I think especially the sales conversation, you know, you can't solve a problem you don't understand, right? So it's you need to understand what is this particular clients challenges, barriers, trolls, whatever you like to call them, right? Yes, then you're articulating your service in a way that addresses their problem, right? If they say, Well, listen, you know, what you describe, we already kind of tried that. And you can say, Well, okay, well, you know, tell me more about that. And you can you can say, you know, I think what might be the issue is this and the way we approach that what we solve for that already, and here's how, and then people don't feel like you're just throwing something at them, they feel like you're actually delivering something that is going to solve their own wounds, right. Like, everybody's a little bit different when they come into that. So yeah, I think it's, I think it's essential. And I think that the that when we simplify these, these elements, right, it can help a business, especially if the owner is not an expert in marketing and sales. Right? Right. You need to give them a framework for marketing, we need to give them a framework for having sales conversations, like we need to give them conversation points, like everything should align, you know, the things that they the webinars, they do the lead magnets, they create the podcast topics they talk about, like, you know, and I think that I mean, I love this idea of stop the noise, because I just think that there's, you know, you can take all those seemingly disparate parts and the chaos of all of that, I believe you can put it in a really simple, a relatively simple system, that just gives people some like guardrails, right of like, how do I go about this? Especially when they're busy serving clients and managing that. And you know, they're all whole other lives around their business.
Susan Tatum 26:01
So your you said yours is, uh, did you just say it's a three month program?
Celina Guerrero 26:02
Yes, it is.
Susan Tatum 26:03
And it's mostly then, like CEOs, company owners, the subject matter experts that are a part of this, how much time does one of your clients have to be able to allocate to go through your program?
Celina Guerrero 26:17
Hmm that's a good question. Well I think that they need at least two to four hours a week I mean, that's gonna depend but I do I like to recommend really upfront like please block off this time like if you're going to join this program, right? It's a fixed period of time and there's going to be some you're going to need some space for that right? I think people come often come to these programs and they're so excited and then they like well wait a minute, I don't have any time so I do i'd love this question because it's absolutely essential for their success. And I think that it's it's just like it's just it's it's actually not that long right it's a pretty that's a pretty short timeline right? But I think that it required so it requires some dedication but I think that it's easy to you know, I think it's just I think it's easy to you know put off right so I'd like it concentrated enough so that they can really make some changes
Susan Tatum 27:10
well and we as entrepreneurs want to take action and move as fast as possible anyway, generally speaking but I think two or three hours a week is very reasonable you could waste that amount of time just trying whatever shiny thing came along and not getting anywhere with it.
Celina Guerrero 27:24
Well I agree I completely agree but I think as you know you know, myself included like I want it done yesterday but it's like okay, well When am I going to do it right? I really do help them understand what they need to be doing like it's they don't just go in and do anything right we have a very specific we do a little assessment and we say these are the things that you you know you want to work on based on where you're at and you want to kind of create a system around these elements right and Um, but yeah, I mean you know, it's it just I think sometimes enthusiasm gets the better of us right? It's not a done for you service right it's not like okay I'm just gonna deliver this for you it is a time investment and it really is you know, the CEO really needs to be involved because I believe that you know, I believe that the CEO especially in a small business should that they're going to receive a lot of value and create sustainability in their business if they understand the marketing and sales system within their business.
Susan Tatum 28:18
I agree 100% with you Celina I you know, even when we are with our top of the line package that we have, when it where it is done for you for a minimum of a quarter. I just insist that the the hit you know, the CEO, the owner, the founder, the subject matter expert has to be involved in it. And I think as a business owner, you want to control that you want to understand it, I mean, this is the, the, you know, if the sales and marketing fails, doesn't matter how good you are. You're not going to grow your business.
Celina Guerrero 28:50
I have seen And part of this is because I've seen so many times oh I'm going to hire this marketing assistant right and it's you know they like they just kind of outsource it like okay I need somebody to do social and then the effectiveness is that is terrible or I've also seen people try to outsource sales which you know part time BD people who are also working with the company in my experience never worked so this is why you know this is foundational to this work for me which is I want them to have their own system that they understand that then they can bring people in to work with in that system
Susan Tatum 29:24
Celina Guerrero 29:25
there's already the positioning where there's already some foundational messaging there's already like you know, here's here's your weekly agenda for your marketing assistant even right like just it's it's not just like let's create a repetitive system you know, that just gets done over and over again right so like one email a week you know, one webinar every quarter pray one bright log a week like it just like bake it into, into the time and the system of the company is really kind of a passion of mine because you know, I see I feel like I've seen this need which is just trying to get a hold of this and put it in a simplifies sort of you know system operationalize that.
Susan Tatum 30:02
Yeah that makes a huge difference Yeah, and you know into the when the sales and I know you do this as well but it's like it's a process. Here are the three conversations that you need to have here's where you're supposed to be providing value and here's where you're supposed to be asking questions it's just so that someone can come in and follow it.
Celina Guerrero 30:18
Well, even the sales conversation like I have a six step plan like here's how you manage a sales conversation whether it's your first or your second you write like these you know you ask about the goat and then you ask about the grassy field and then you ask about the trolls and then you talk about the bridge how it specifically addresses the trolls right and then you ask and then there's three ways of following up there's a yes there's a no there's a maybe right, I've been around enough to know that there's ways of locking this stuff down so that you don't because it takes practice right but like it gives people sort of a framework for working and then getting you know it's like any sort of tennis like any athlete right you do you do the you know you do the the routine again and again but you only really become you know dynamic and you know truly, a finesse on the core once you have those fundamentals right but you needed to kind of get the get that in place so that it.
Susan Tatum 31:13
you do. So for anyone who wants to follow up with you what's the best way to get in touch
Celina Guerrero 31:18
I can be reached on LinkedIn at Celina Guerrero it's I'm sure my name will be on the on the will be on there. And you can definitely reach out connect with me messaged me and you can also learn about more about my thrive sales accelerator at thrivesalesaccelerator.com.
Susan Tatum 31:36
Excellent. Thank you so much for being here. I think for anybody's listening. This has been incredibly helpful. I've taken a bunch of notes and drawn some pictures and it was very enjoyable.
Celina Guerrero 31:46
It's always fun to talk to you, Susan, thank you for the invitation. I really enjoyed it.
Susan Tatum 31:50
Take care Celina.
Celina Guerrero 31:51
You too. Bye bye.